Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Iced Tea - P365 # 103

My family loves iced tea. We consumed tea more than any kinds of beverage be it at home or dining out.  How about you?
April 13, 2011:
  • I jumped in the shower as soon as the students (hubby and  Ms. Burrito) left home.
  • Wrote some online tasks as soon as Mr. Burrito  had done eating breakfast.
  • Now I am typing while thinking of what to cook.  Maybe, I will just open a can of corned beef and cooked it with napa cabbage, what do you think?
  • We are going to attend station of the cross at church at 1:30.  Hubby might come home and skip his last class to be able to attend with us.
I thank everyone who  never gets tired of  visiting my blogs even though I couldn't bloghop for almost 4 days now.  I am just so caught up with family stuff that I have no time to visit other blogs.  Please acknowledge my deep gratitude for your time and thoughts.What a great choice for letter M!  Gorgeous!

8 delicious comments:

Chie Wilks said...

it's my current fav. drink mommyRose..i am tying to stop my crave for coke na

my watery

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Tea in a Pepsi glass? What's the not-so-hidden message here? :-)


With water they say that the best
Is clearest when put to the test;
No sediment there
To cause wear and tear—
Pure water sure beats all the rest!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Stream in Grasslands

anne said...

May Pepsi pala na Ice tea rose? My Mary Anne’s Musings thanks

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wahhhh, ginamit lang ng resto yung pepsi na cup anne lol..

Mel_Cole said...

Nauhaw ako, penge :)

Unknown said...

ice tea din kami sa bahay Rose para di masanay sa softdrinks si Janjan.. tea ang laman ng pepsi glass waaaaaaaa...haha

Mel Alarilla said...

Well iced tea is a lot better than soft drinks and carbonated juices. Tea is really good for the body. I am saddened by the volume of chores you have to attend to just like Shy. It is amazing and to your credit that you can still blog hop. But you must prioritize your tasks. Family always comes first ahead of all other tasks. Corned beef hash would be great for lunch for your family. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Unknown said...

same here too, but we prefer coke if ever my ice tea and coke sa ref. Kaya nga minsan ayaw ko makakita ng coke kasi inuuhaw ako jheehe

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