Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pizza Hut & Eat'n Park - P365 # 121

Hey everyone, hungry yet? Here are some place you could fill your tummy in.  This is the Pizza  Hut here in Weirton.
I took a quick snap of this Eat'n Park sign when we are at a stop lights by the Robinson area in PA.  I like the smiley too.
May 3, 2011:

  • Guess who's back at our abode? It's Bumble Bee!  We are baby sitting her today... the whole day, whew.  That means, no blogging for me.  I just sneaked out here because she is playing with Mr. Burrito over here at my side hehehe.  It's hard to type with a baby in your other hand.  She is kicking the  keyboard wahhhh.  Will update this in a little bit, maybe she's going to take a nap later.

18 delicious comments:

Roger Owen Green said...

The nice thing about the Pizza Hut is that it doesn't affect the Daughter's peanut allergy.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

Enjoy the babysitting!

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Naku babysit ka pala ngayon, well enjoy hehe.

Diane said...

It is many, many years since I have been in to a Pizza hut. Certainly not since I left S. Africa. Diane

Wanda said...

We do pizza every Friday Night. We have a little place called Guido's that makes heavenly pizza. 17 toppings...veggies, meats, and cheese!

Stef said...

It's 4am here in PHILs an seeing just even the sign that says pizza hut made me hungry. LoL

Here's my RT . See you around!

Shobha said...

Wow ! Pizzahut...
Feel like grabbing a one from there right away.
Nice clicks.

Dhemz said...

daming pula sa paligid...:) ayay, back to Cottrill's na pala si BB.

Unknown said...

My cats try to sit on my lap top and can be challenging. lol

Karen said...

I love Pizza Hut! Pizza just doesn't taste as good if it isn't from Pizza Hut :) Have a good week!

Jama said...

It's lunch time here and guess what I'm having? Pizza! but home made ....:)

Lina Gustina said...

There are some Pizza Hut here; but there's no Eat n Park.

Thanks for dropping by. I didn't made the wooden puppet; my cousin bought it for her son.

anemonen said...

We don´t have Pizza Hut i Sweden but Mc Donalds is ok. Thanks for visiting me.

Unknown said...

Chloe and I love Pizza Hut! Pero baka iba ang style jan. just like kfc, iba ang taste dito at ang cute ng chicken, hehe.

mommy, ikaw pala nghost ng Nostalgia meme. I wanted to join that matagal na, hehe. di ko lang alam kong saan sa blog mo. tnx for informing me =)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos.

Have a nice day, Boonie

Tumblewords: said...

Pizza's a good thing!

Chie Wilks said...

great shots sis and park..sounds a great place for people on the go

my abc

Mel Alarilla said...

Wow, you are into baby sitting again. As if your chores are not overwhelming enough, hehehe. Well that's life. We take the best and the worst of everything that life deals us. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

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