Tuesday, August 16, 2011

E is for Eggplant - P365 # 226

A filipina friend gave me three eggplant seedlings. I planted it in my vegetable garden and I enjoy harvesting the fruit.
I made some eggplant fritata for breakfast a couple of weeks ago and   everyone liked it.
Hubby liked the one where I switched from using bacon bits to a chopped up pepperoni.
Ingredients you need depends on  how you like it, I use tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, scallions, and some  spices.  You just mix the ingredients into two beaten eggs and then  dip the boiled, skinned, and mashed eggplant in it and fry it.  It's yummy!
August 16, 2011:
  • The construction team are now laying  the blocks for the foundation of the  porch.  I am getting excited for the outcome of this project.  The rain slows them down though.
  • Hubby and the kids walked down at the post office  to mail  a bill and pick up  a package that wasn't delivered yesterday.
  • I am thinking of making pork  sinigang or nilaga today.

20 delicious comments:

Diane said...

Mmmmm I love aubergine, I like them in Ratatouille, but this sounds delicious. Diane

Leslie: said...

I love eggplant AND fritattas! So I'll just pop right over for whatever is left over! lol

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

fond of eggplant!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

mrsnesbitt said...

Could this be baked in the oven rather than fried? Would love to give it a try.
Tjhanks so much
Denise ABC Team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hi Denise, yup absolutely, you can bake it and top it with cheese, so yummy~!

stevealec said...

it's really yammy.
Thanks for sharing.
payday Loan

photowannabe said...

Looks absolutely delicious and I loved how you made the letter E. Clever.

B i r g i t t a said...

Love your Eggplant E - creative!

Gigi Ann said...

WOW.. Everything looks and sounds good. Happy Eating.

Unknown said...

Im sure it taste greatI'd love to try it
Thanks for sharing

Wanda said...

I love eggplant. Your recipe looks very good.

Maude Lynn said...

That first picture is so fun!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Your eggplant fritata is very similar to the tortang talong but with more yummy ingredients. The result will surely be very delicious. I love tortang talong even without any other ingredients than beaten eggs, how much more with such yummy ingredients, hehehe. Nagutom tuloy ako, hehehe. Thanks for the yummy post and the recipe. God bless you all always.

Anonymous said...

To eat what you grow must be more tasty than others...

Pheno, ABCW Team

Ruta said...

I love eggplant! Looks great!!

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Very artistic .. I like eggplant daming nagagawa.

{krista} said...

I've never tasted an eggplant. They look delicious!

Jess PJ said...

I'm not big on eggplant, but I bet it'd be delish mixed with all that other stuff.

Chie Wilks said...

what a yummy share for E on ABC sis..sarap ng bacon at fritata

here from ABC, hope u could visit mine

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Looks amazing - will have to try to be more adventurous with food.

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