Thursday, April 26, 2018

How to Combine Work and Travel Successfully as a Foodie

Spicing up your life should include mixing it up by doing spontaneous things from time to time. Looking beyond occasional one-day outings, it’s worth combining a love for food and cooking with one for travel and adventure.
Let’s see how you can work and travel successfully as a foodie.

Working in Other Cities or Abroad

Working in another city or to other countries takes some advanced planning but it can be done. You can either go with a degree that’s a perfect fit for certain jobs, like being a teacher, a nurse, or another professional position, or you can aim to be adaptable on location.

You can study for an Interdisciplinary Studies degree which prepares students to be adaptable by design. View jobs that you would be suitable for when graduating with this type of degree. The range is quite eclectic.

Food Blogger

For dedicated bloggers who enjoy making notes, taking photos and writing a blog post about a dining experience, being a food blogger who reviews restaurant meals is a rewarding experience. A food blogger can also create their own recipes and provide step-by-step instructions for how to reproduce their visual treats, pleasurable aromas and delicious tastes.
There are many food bloggers who make best use of Instagram to post photos of their latest creations and link back to their website. The level of professionalism with the photography alone will take time to develop and achieve. Bloggers can sell their recipes in a book or develop a cooking course to help visitors learn how to cook even if their knowledge is basic. They also have advertising and other monetization to fund their travel lifestyle.

YouTube Vlogger

Mark Wiens of is a great example of a food vlogger. He lives in Thailand with his Thai wife and young child. He began by filming around the country vlogging and blogging about his visits to local food stalls and occasional restaurants. He later went on sponsored travel tours that combined his interest in travel with a fascination for world cuisine. More recently, he’s graduated to visiting many expensive countries and sampling the best that their regional cuisine has to offer at local markets and the most expensive restaurants in the area.

His frequent travels are funded through advertising on his YouTube channel and associated websites, sales of his destination travel/food guides and affiliate commissions too. For the most part, he replaces the food shows on TV whilst not even being a practicing chef himself!

Foodie Earning Potential

Finding ways to make money as a foodie is not easy. When most of the bloggers and vloggers started out, there were few indications that a YouTube channel or a website on a food-related topic would ever generate a full-time living. However, Mark Wiens’ multiple YouTube channels now have over 1.7 million subscribers and an incredible number of video views per month. It took years to build up, so it’s certainly not an overnight success story. Nor is it the only one.

With the advent of online income and people following your passion, it’s possible to build a following and create an income with or without a job. Combining travel opportunities whether through a travel company sponsorship, supporting food writers or vloggers, or by taking different jobs as they become available along the way are viable options. There are many different approaches you can take because food is a universally popular topic that never goes out of fashion.

17 delicious comments:

Masshole Mommy said...

I love to eat when I travel, but I don't love "working" when I am on vacation, you know? These are great tips for people to make the most of their meals during their travels.

Alli Smith said...

I'm such a foodie and the main reason I started my blog was because so many people were asking me for my recipes and I couldn't keep up. I'm one of those people that must snap a photo of my food when I'm traveling and eating at restaurants I've never been to.

SimplyTasheena said...

I really love creating recipes and trying food while traveling. I love the idea of having the best of both worlds.

Tomi C said...

Social media has made it possible for me to earn money for the foodie in me. I love being invited to restaurants to sample their new menu items and love partnering with companies to share their new products.

candy said...

Always enjoy your photos and comments about the food. We love our food as well but ours is more about home cooking. Fun to create a recipe.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Oh yum, eating is one of my favorite things to do! I just don't have time to travel with kids. But I do like to check out the restaurants around me at least.

Jeannette said...

Second I travel I'm always looking for something new to try. I love food in international food is the best food ever. I love trying the different flavors from all around the world. It is so much fun for me.

melissa chapman said...

This seems like a great way to travel, eat the best food and work all in one. If you love reviewing restaurants and food you would be so lucky to find this kind of work.

tiarastantrums said...

When we travel, we always look up the best restaurants to try in the city we are visiting. Sometimes we make visit a city specifically to try a restaurant!

Lisa said...

These are all great tips for anyone looking to travel, eat, and make a living doing it. I love the opportunities blogging gives me.

Glam Karen said...

I think it's awesome that foodies can earn doing what they love. But just like all jobs, it definitely takes time and patience.

Emily said...

I am a home decor blogger but my husband always jokes that I should be a food blogger that gets to try out restaurants because he loves to eat! :) I think these are great tips and blogging opportunities.

Unknown said...

I love these tips! I am pretty serious about my food and have worked in such a broad spectrum of different cuisines, I try to incorporate my personality into every dish. When I eat abroad I am far too preoccupied with the kiddos for photos.

Unknown said...

Such a cool opportunity for foodies who also love to travel. I think it's awesome to start a blog or a vlog about the different cuisines and dishes that you're able to try! And the best part is that you can earn as well.

Sara Welch said...

This is 100% my life in a post. I absolutely love going places and trying out the food of the locals!

Kita Bryant said...

I would love to travel as a foodie. I am a foodie at home, but I crave some variety!

Angelic Sinova said...

When of my favorite things to do while traveling is trying a lot of different foods. I was recently in NYC and I loved trying different Tai, Korean and Italian places.

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