Friday, September 25, 2020

Creamy Thai Carrot 🥕 and Chicken Soup with Basil

I harvested our carrots and beets yesterday and decided to make some soup today.  I found a recipe online but I don't always follow recipes, I usually put my own spin on it by tweaking the ingredients. So here's my own take for a Creamy Thai Carrot and Chicken soup with Basil.  

  • Carrots (from our  backyard garden)
  • 5 cups of water
  • 3 slices of chicken breast (I used leftover rotisserie - this is optional)
  • 1 cube Thai seasoning (optional)
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  •  5 fresh basil leaves
  • Washed and sliced the carrots.  You can choose to peel it but I left mine as is since I brushed it with my vegetable brush.  One good thing about homegrown veggies is that, you can confidently use it without worrying about what's in it since you're the one who grew it.  Nothing beats organic produce. 
  • Pour the water in a pot, add the carrots, chicken, shallot, garlic, Thai seasoning cube, and salt.  Bring to a boil until the carrots is soft enough to blend.
  • Put everything in a blender and add the cream cheese and basil.  

This turned out so good.  The color  looks more like a pumpkin or squash soup because of the cream cheese and chicken but it's delicious.   You can probably eliminate the chicken and  Thai flavoring but I can tell you that it really made the soup very tasty.  The Thai flavoring gave it a little kick and a really unique twist to an otherwise ordinary carrot soup.  I am not sure why while I was typing  carrot soup, the carrot cake keeps popping up in my head lol.  I had some amish  carrot cake a few weeks ago and it was delicious.

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